The first H.S.125 flew in August 1962 and was in production the following year: originally a De Haviland design, the first two prototypes were produced at Hattfield and the 125 is sold in he USA as the D.H.125. The 125 was conceived as a small-scale airliner to replace the Dove wich had been in service since 1947: and an aircraft with a similar capacity buth with a pressurised cabin, a higher cruising speed and longer range was requid. at one stage new piston engines or turbo-props were considered but it was decided to go ahead with an entirley new and more advanced design. Once the basic design had been decided the detail design and construction of the first prototype was completed in only 16 months. The Dominie T.1 advenced navigational trainer is the first aircraft of its type to be specificaly designed for use by the Royal Air Force. It is a military development of the highly succesful Hawker Siddeley H.S.125 business jet. The prototype Dominie first flew in December 1964 and entered service with No.1 Air Navgatinonal School at Stradishall in Okctober 1965. Twenty were built the last in August 1966 and in addition to No.1 A.N.S. the Dominie T.1 was also operated by the College of Air Warfare at Manby. The Dominie is used as an advanced navigational trainer fot high perfomance aircraft, and its ability to fly high and fast makes it the ideal aircraft fot training of jet bomber and transport navigators. Pupils trained on the dominie have 45hours of instruction in the air, approximately half of them at night and reaching as far as Malta and Gribraltar. RAF Dominie carry very comprehensive navigational equipment and normally fly with a complement of six: two pilots, two pupils, a navigational navigator instructor and a supernumerary. The H.S.125 Dominie is powerd by two rear-mounted Bristol Siddely viper 301 turbo-jets.
Twee uitvoeringen mogelijk;
- A Versie : nr.55 (Reserve) Squadron, Royal Air Force Cranwell, UK, September 2004
- B Versies: nr.3 FTS/nr.55 (Reserve) Squadron, Royal Air Force Cranwell, UK, April 1997
Aantal onderdelen: 66
Verf Tabel voor deze bouwdoos van: Humbrol , Model Master ,Revell
Versie A & B
- 11 Metallic Silver = MM1780 / REV90
- 22 Gloss White = MM1745 / REV 4
- 33 Matt Black = MM1749 / REV 8
- 61 Matt Fles = MM1516 / REV35
- 163 Satin Dark Green
- 166 Satin Light Aircraft Grey
Versie A
- 21 Gloss Black = MM1747 / REV 7
Versie B
- 35 Gloss Varnish = MM1561 / REV 1
- 174 Matt Signal Red = MM2724