

AMD48-239 PBY-5 Catalina Flying Cats Pt.III "US"

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PBY-5 Catalina

Flying Cats Pt.III "US"

AC#1 PBY 5 Catalina of VP-14 the aircraft is painted in the standard pre-war aluminuim dope, with orange-yellow wings and upper horizontal stabilizers. Squadron markings are black, including the chevron on the upperwing and the vertical stripeon the rudder.

AC#2 PBY-5 VP-42, Fleet Air wing Four, Aleutian Islands, june 1942. This Catalina is painted in the standard Bleu Gray over Light Gray AN602

AC#3 PBY-5, V-189, US Coast Guard, the aircraft was painted in aluminum dope with yellow Orange upper wings and upper horiztal stablizer. The rudders was Red, White and Bleu.

AC#4 PBY-5 (BuNo 2293) of Patron 52, NAS Quonset Point 1941, The aicraft is painted in the standard pre-war aluminum dope. with Orange-Yellow upperwings and upper horizontal stablizers. The upperwing chevvron and fuselage stripe are painted Treu Bleu with Black trim.  

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AMD48-239 PBY-5 Catalina Flying Cats Pt.III "US"
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