

49057 Slate Grey Spray 200ml.

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Slate Grey Spray  200ml.

49057      '' Slate Grey ''

Modelmates Water Soluble Weathering Spray. 200ml canister
Translucent Spray Dye - Not Acrylic Paint.

It makes things look dirty, old and weathered. Dries fast and is easy to use.

Spray it onto non-porous surfaces, let it dry, then smudge and wipe it with a damp cloth to create weathering effects. Wet it with water and it will dissolve similar to a water colour paint and can be brush applied.

A great colour and one of our biggest sellers. A dirty slate colour that works in many different situations from weathering landscapes to model wagons, carriages and loco's. Works well on its own, but is also really effective when combined with the other colours to create darker patches for greater contrast. Weathering looks more realistic when the colours are mixed.

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49057 Slate Grey Spray 200ml.
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