

REV03029 JEEP & M34 tacktical TRUCK

Réf. article: REV03029


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                    JEEP & M34 tacktical TRUCK

The Jeep, which was introduced in 1941 very quickly, gained a legendary reputation as an extremely robust and light cross-country vehicle. The Jeep was used as a liaison and reconnaissance vehicle and as an ambulance. After World War II ended, the Jeep remained in service with the US Army in the Korean War. The M 34 2.5 ton truck was originally developed as a personnel carrier and at the beginning of the '50s, it was introduced as successor to the M 211. The M 34 was the predecessor of the M 35 series, which is still in service today and for a time they were used together. Jeep kit features: Rubber tires, Spare tires, and Detailed decals. Truck kit features: Detailed model truck with many surface details, Movable doors, Optional removable tarpaulin cover, Platform body with bench seats, Rubber tires, Detailed chassis,

Drie verschillende uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • U.S.Army H-Company, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, Korea, July 1950.
  • U.S.Army 40th Heavy Tank battalion, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Ord, Califonia, August 1949.
  • U.S.Army 31st Infantry regiment, 7th Infantry Division, Japan, 1947.


  • lengte 101mm Jeep



M34 tactial TRUCK
Drie uitvoeringen mogelijk;








  • U.S.Army 1st Armored Division USAREUR 1966.
  • U.S.Army 57th Transportation Battalion, Vietnam 1968.
  • U.S.Army IIth Signal Brigade, Arizona 1968.





  • Lengte 195mm  M34 truck
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REV03029 JEEP & M34 tacktical TRUCK
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