

Revell 04272 Airbus A320 Edelweiss Air

Réf. article: Revell 04272


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Edelweiss Air is the leading Swiss Holiday Airline and carries its passengers to the most popular holiday resorts in the world. Edelweiss Air puts great emphasison the high quality of its service for which it has won many awards. The airlines first A320 entered service in April 1988. In the following years this new version of the Airbus soon set new standards for the whole industry in passenger comfort and economy on short and medium range routes. In a typical twoclass configuration the A320 can accommodate 150 passengers and achieve a range of 5,600 km/3,000 nm.

Drie uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • edelweiss air - HB-IHX
  • edelweiss air - HB-IHY
  • edelweiss air - HB-IHZ

Aantal onderdelen; 60.

  • Lang; 261 mm.
  • Spanwijdte; 235 mm.


  • Textured Fuselage and Wings
  • Recessed Panel Joints
  • Detailed Undercarriage, in either the lowered or retracted position
  • Detailed CFM56 engines or if required the IAE V2500 can be fitted
  • Winglets
  • Aerials and Ventilation Ducts

Revell verf kleur nr.'s; 4 9 31 47 59 61 91 99 371 374

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