

HK Models HK01E01 B-25J MITCHELL

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B-25 Mitchell is an American twin-engine medium bomber and manufactured by North American Aviation.

It was named in honor of General Billy Mitchell – the pioneer of US military aviation. B-25 Mitchell was used in every theater in World War II and as well as many other air force after the war ended. By the end of the war, this aircraft had completed over 300 missions The project of B-25 was a descendant of the earlier XB-21 (North American-39) at the mid-1930s. Using the experience gained in developing XB-21 aircraft was eventually used by North American in designing the B-25 (called the NA-40 by the company). With several modifications after one NA-40 was built. Being done to test a number of potential improvements which included Wright R-2600 radial engines and which become standard on the later B-25.

Eén uitvoering mogelijk;

  • U.S.A.A.F.

Aantal onderdelen; 514

  • Lang; 547.7 mm.
  • Spanwijdte; 643mm.

Aantal onderdelen: 514


  • Authentic Surface Detail
  • Over Half Million Rivets
  • Highly Detailed Wright R2600 Engines
  • Detail Cockpit an bomb-bay
  • colorful Marking 

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HK Models HK01E01 B-25J MITCHELL
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