

Trumpeter 06219 F-4J Phantom II

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            '' F-4J Phantom II / Carrier-based aircraft ''

The F-4J aircraft featured a much improved radar and avionics, as well as improved aerodynamic design. In addition it had an improved J-79 engine with a longer afterburner nozzles. Gone from was The infrared seeker under the nose that was a mainstay of the F-4B/C/D versions was deleted. Although it did not carry a gun, the aircraft performed well as an interceptor with its Sparrow and Sidewinder missiles. The Navy's only Vietnam aces flew the F-4J for all of their five kills.

Aantal onderdelen: 19 


  • Lengte 51 mm 
  • Spanwijdte 33 mm.

Aantal stuks: 6

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Trumpeter 06219 F-4J Phantom II
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