

Revell 04684 Albatros D.V

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                    Albatros D.V

The Albatros D.V was one of the most produced fighter aircraft of World War I. With the D.V the Albatros Aircraft Works in Berlin-Johannisthal further developed the concept of the successful D.III with minor modifications. The fuselage completely clad in plywood was given an oval cross section and the wingassembly of the D.III was retained almost unchanged. The first D.Vs were used atthe front in May 1917. Within a few months the Albatros Aircraft Works had made 900 fighters of this type. In May 1918 almost 50% of all German fighter aircraft used at the front were D.V and D.Vas. These machines were the best German fighters until the Fokker D.VII came out in the spring of 1918.

Twee uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • Albatros D.V, Lt.Otto Kissenberth, Jasta 16b, June 1917.
  • Albatros D.V, Lt.Ernst Udet, Jasta 37, summer 1917.

Aantal onderdelen; 60.

  • Lengte 153mm.
  • Spanwijdte 186mm.


  •  Surfaces with fine structural details
  •  Detailed cockpit with seat
  •  Control lever and instrument panel
  •  Detailed engine
  •  2 MGs
  •  Choice of 2 different propellers

Revell verf kleur nr.'s;

  • 2 Matt Vernis 
  • 6 Matt teerzwart
  • 55 Matt Licht blauw
  • 83 Matt Roest
  • 360 Satin Varengroen
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Revell 04684 Albatros D.V
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