

ROD014 Felixstowe F.2A "Late version, Saunders-built"

Réf. article: ROD014


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                '' Felixstowe F.2A  ''


The big flying boats were of great strategic importance. From the very beginning they were transferred to those air bases where their fighting efficiency could be used to the maximum - Calshot, Dundee, Felixtowe, Houton, Killingholme, Westgate, and Great Yarmouth.

In the middle of 1917 the submarine fleet posed a serious threat to the security of Great Britain. Therefore, detection and destruction of submarines were first priority tasks for the F.2.A. As a rule the patrol zone was divided into octogons 60 miles across, and the planes conducted long patrols in search of German submarines. Other important targets included the German Zeppelins which threatened British warships. 

Its solid construction and numerous machine guns made the F.2A a tough opponent for German patrol planes. Only the appearance of the Hansa Brandenburg W.29 in 1918 changed the situation to the advantage of the Germans, but for a short time. On July 4th 1918 three W.29 planes commanded by the famous ace Friedrich Christiansen shot down three F.2As in 20 minutes, while patrolling the sea zone near Zeebrugge. However, such incidents were more an exception than a rule. The war was coming to an end, and not only the F.2A of Saunders manufacture, but also the American licensed H.16 were arriving at naval aviation units. After the end of the war, the big flying boats turned out to be redundant, as there was no further need to patrol the coast line. Most of the F.2As and H.16s were retired, and some of them were transferred to Canada and Chile. 

Vier uitvoeringen mogelijk;


  • Royal Navy - N4465, based at Killingholme, mid-1918.
  • (ex-N4567) renamed "Guardiamarina Zanartu" was a gift to Chilean Goverment after the War; note overpainted serial with new name "Zanartu".
  • Royal Navy - based probably at Great Yarmouth, summer-autumn 1918.
  • Royal Navy - N4251, based probably at Felixstowe, autumn 1918.



  • Lengte 197mm
  • Spanwijdte 411mm 


Humbrol verf kleur nr.'s;


  •  7 Gloss Light Buff
  • 10 Gloss Service Brown
  • 25 Matt Bleu
  • 33 Matt Black
  • 53 Metallic Gunmetal
  • 54 Metallic Brass
  • 56 Metallic Aluminium
  • 74 Matt Linen
  • 108 
  • 110 Matt Natural Wood
  • 130 Satin White
  • 132 Satin Red
  • 165 Medium Sea Grey
  • 180 


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