

Hobby Boss 85803 UH-1C Huey Helicoper

Réf. article: Hobby Boss 85803

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  • Retrait en point relais possible
  • Commandé avant 15h expédié le jour même

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The Bell UH-1 Iroquoi, commonly known as the ''Heuy'' is a multiporpose military helicopter, was developed from 1955 US Army trials with the Bell Model 204. The initial designation of HU-1 (Helicopter utility) led to its nickname. Heuy. It was first used by the military in 1959 and went into tri-service production in1962As the last were produced in 1976 with moren than 16.000 made in total, of wich about 7000 saw use during the Vietnam War and famous for its use in the Vietnam War.

Aantal onderdelen: 30 


  • Lang; 272.6 mm.
  • Rotor Diameter; 255 mm.

Humbrol verf kleur nr.'s; 11 / 19 / 33 / 68 / 155.

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Hobby Boss 85803 UH-1C Huey Helicoper
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