

Italeri 6470 LVT (A)-2 "SAIPAN" U.S.M.C.

Réf. article: Italeri 6470


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The origins of the LTV can be traced back to the Alligator, a civil vehicle designed for rescue in swampy areas that could not be reached with other means. The Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mark 2, commonly known as Water Buffalo, was an improved version of the first military model, the LTV-1, with a Continental W670-9A engine, the same transmission from the M3A1 tank, new suspension and extra armor

Twee uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • U.S.M.C., 4th Amphibian Tractor bn., Iwo Jima, 1945.
  • U.S.M.C., B Company, 2nd Amtrack bn., Saipan, 1944.

afmeting: L. 227mm.

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Italeri 6470 LVT (A)-2 "SAIPAN" U.S.M.C.
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