

Airfix A04202 HMS HOOD

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One of four Admiral class battlecruisers ordered in mid-1916, HMS Hood was the largest of the her class and the largest warship in the world when launched in 1918. After the battle of Jutland the design of Hood was modified. However, as she still had limitations work on her sistership was halted in 1917, leaving Hood as Britain’s last completed purpose-built battlecruiser. She was named after the 18th-century Admiral Samuel Hood.

She was the pride of the Royal Navy on sailing to intercept the Bismarck in May 1941. After making contact with the German battleship, she, with HMS Prince of Wales, opened fire. The Bismarck returned fire and with the fifth salvo hit the Hood a fatal blow and she sunk within two minutes. Only three crew from her total of 1,500 survived. 

Aantal onderdelen; 131

  • Lang; 430 mm.
  • Breed; 53 mm.

Humbrol verf kleur nr.'s; 11 / 27 / 33 / 34 / 55 / 64 / 71 / 73 / 113.

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