

Academy 13213 MERKAVA Mk.IV

Réf. article: Academy 13213


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  • Commandé avant 15h expédié le jour même

Israeli Defense Forces 65 ton main battle tank entered service in 2004 as an improvement to the venerable Merkava Mk III. Capable of carrying eight infantry soldiers, a command group or three litter patients, in addition to the 4-man tank crew, it can fire on the move at moving targets and attack helicopters. Its 120mm gun can fire high enetration as well as guided projectiles. It has the Amcoram LWS-2 laser warning system to automatically ploy smoke grenades and decoys for protection. The Rafael Trophy system provides 360¨¬ coverage against anti-tank rockets, missles and HEAT rounds by launching countermeasures to intercept the incoming munition. 

Academy left nothing to chance with this kit. It¡¯s brimming with detail and accuracy including photo-etched parts to excite the most fastidious armor modeler.  

Eén uitvoering mogelijk;

  • Israelische leger 2006.
  • Accurately reproduced the newest MERKAVA Mk.IV  
  • Hatches can be positioned open or closed 
  • Semi-Connecting Track included 
  • Photo-etched included 
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Academy 13213 MERKAVA Mk.IV
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