

DML6009 StuG III Ausf.C/D, Sd.Kfz.142

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Dragon Model kit 1:35 scale mint in the box and un-assembled. 1939-1945 series. About the Stug: During the course of the second World War, many changes were incorporated into the Stug III assault Gun, The Ausf. C appeared in early 1941 and it differed from the Asuf. B in having a redesigned superstructure front as well as other minor modification. A total of 100 vehicles were produced. Loses at the front steadily increased calls for the successful assault guns made extension of production necessary. 

Twee uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • StuG Abt.177, Eastern Front 1941.
  • 1 Batterie, StuG Abt.243, 1941.

Aantal onderdelen: 435


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DML6009 StuG III Ausf.C/D, Sd.Kfz.142
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