

Dragon 6188 M4A2 Sherman (76) RED ARMY

Réf. article: Dragon 6188


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'39-'45 Serie
The American "lend and lease system" was introduced in the beginning of the war to support Great Britain. The Red Army also received aid such as food, fuel etc after the German's assault on Russia in June 1941. Since then, the Red Army has used extensive numbers of lend-lease tanks. The Red Army received the highest numbers of the M4A2 in 1944. Some tank corps and mechanized corps were entirely equipped with this tank.

Twee uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • 2nd Tank Army, Berlin 1945.
  • 8th Guards Mechanized Corps, 1944-1945.

Aantal onderdelen; 310.

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Dragon 6188 M4A2 Sherman (76) RED ARMY
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