

Dragon 6434 Pz.Kpfw.38(t) Ausf.E/F

Réf. article: Dragon 6434


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"39-"45 series

The LT vz.38 was a widely produced Czech tank, though ironically most of them fought on the side of the Germans during WWII. After swallowing up Czechoslovakia, Germany saw the advantages of the Czech tank and continued production of what was to eventually reach approximately 1400 light tanks. Germany instituted a number of modifications during the course of production. Dragon has already produced 1/35 scale model kits of some of the famous Pz.Kpfw.38(t) family, but a new one is about to join the ranks. Dragon’s new kit is a 2-in-1 Smart Kit that allows either an Ausf.E or Ausf.F variant to be built. The key characteristic of these tanks was the increase in frontal protection by adding a 25mm-thick armor plate on the front, and also upgrading armor on the turret sides and upper sides of the hull. This modification gave a frontal armor thickness of 50mm, which was considered expedient after experiences in the Polish campaign in 1939.

Although it could be considered a variation of the Panzer 38(t) family, this latest 1/35 scale Smart Kit has a number of novelties. In keeping with the Ausf.E and F variants, frontal armor of turret, upper and lower hulls are all brand new moldings. Another key identifier of this type is large stowage bins on both sides of the upper hull. Since this is a 2-in-1 kit, there are optional parts like exhaust pipes and periscopes to suit both variants. Widespread use is made of slide-molded components, and expert kit engineering results in a model that is convenient to assemble. Various opening hatches enable the modeler to show off the fully detailed interior of the engine and fighting compartments. Dragon has recently launched German tanks like the Panzer III Ausf.F (Item No. 6632) and Panzer IIII Ausf.J Initial (Item No. 6463) emanating from the first half of WWII, so this new Panzer 38(t) addition strengthens the modeler’s German early-war tank fleet.

Vier uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • Duitse Wehrmacht - Pz.Rgt.27, 19th Panzer Division, Russia 1941.
  • Duitse Wehrmacht - 5./Pz.Rgt.27, 19th Panzer Division, Russia winter 1941-1942.
  • Duitse Wehrmacht - 2./Pz.Rgt.27, 19th Panzer Division, Russia 1941-1942.
  • Duitse Wehrmacht - 5./Pz/Rgt.25, 7th Panzer Division, Russia 1942.

Aantal onderdelen;550


  • Newly tooled turret frontal armor for Pz.Kpfw.38(t) Ausf.E/F
  • Side stowage is newly tooled
  • Turret frontal armor created after detailed research
  • Rain-guard made from photo-etched part
  • Nuts and bolts accurately modeled in different shapes and sizes
  • Slide-molded turret w/correct bolt detail
  • Cupola hatch w/improved details
  • Cupola hinges correctly reproduced
  • One-piece slide-molded cupola
  • Turret traverse mechanism realistically reproduced
  • Fully equipped turret interior w/gun assembly, basket and ammo case details
  • 3.7cm main gun w/authentic detail
  • Finely detailed main gun mount beautifully recreated by slide molds
  • Vision ports w/clear plastic parts
  • Vision ports can be assembled open/closed
  • Upper hull frontal armor is upgraded
  • Two types of detailed periscope provided
  • MG sight finely reproduced
  • Fully movable MG ball mount
  • Detailed MG w/slide-molded muzzle
  • Upper hull made by slide molds
  • Radio operator's hatch can be modeled open/closed
  • Vision ports w/interior detail are realistically recreated
  • Detailed fuel tank
  • Fighting compartment w/interior detail
  • Driver's and radio operator's visor covers can be modeled open/closed
  • Fully detailed console w/photo-etched driver's controls
  • Includes driver's controls
  • Hull interior details such as transmission firewall and seats are included
  • Radio set assembly modeled in great detail
  • Radio rack recreated in photo-etched parts
  • Ventilation fan recreated in detail
  • Fenders improved to correctly represent natural sag w/lateral slope
  • Inspection hatch can be assembled open/closed
  • Bolted front armor plates and glacis are finely reproduced
  • Side opening access doors w/slide-molded bolt details
  • Rear compartment interior engine detail
  • Fully detailed engine deck
  • Fine bolt detail included around exhaust grill
  • Exhaust grill reworked w/great detail
  • Engine exhibits delicate details w/separate parts
  • Engine compartment w/full detail
  • One-piece slide-molded lower hull for easy assembly
  • Lower hull bottom w/details
  • Tow hook can be modeled in closed position
  • Rear panel has crisp details
  • Exhaust pipe is slide molded w/hollow end
  • Exhaust pipe provided w/options
  • Separate idler arms can be modeled in different positions
  • Fine fender detail w/wing nuts
  • Perforated storage box is well produced from separate parts
  • Bonus Jerry cans included
  • On-vehicle tools
  • Lower hull frontal armor designed for Pz.Kpfw.38(t) Ausf.E/F
  • Idler wheels finely reproduced
  • Bogie mounting plates reproduced by slide molds
  • Easy to build suspension assemblies can be modeled in realistic positions
  • Magic Track w/casting number detail etched on every track link
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Dragon 6434 Pz.Kpfw.38(t) Ausf.E/F
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