

HBB.82449 RSOV w/MK.19 grenade launcher

Réf. article: 8181
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The Ranger Special Operations Vehicle or RSOV is a light military vehicle of the U.S. Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, based on the Land Rover Defender.

There are 12 RSOVs in the "Alpha Company" of each of the three Ranger battalions. The vehicles are fielded in three platoons, each platoon encompassing two sections of two RSOVs and two Kawasaki KLR250 motorcycles

Eén uitvoering mogelijk;

  • US Army elite troops - Afganistan.

Aantal onderdelen: 280


  • Lang; 134.6 mm.
  • Breed; 55.4 mm.
Humbroll verf kleur nr.'s; 11 / 33 / 53 / 125 / 186 / 1321 / 1322.
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HBB.82449 RSOV w/MK.19 grenade launcher
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