

Italeri 6215 HORCH Kfz.15 Wehrmacht

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Kfz.15 HORCH

One of the main vehicles of the German Army, the Horch KFZ 15 was conceived as a transport-car, but was widely used as a command and liaison-vehicle too. Operational on all battle-fronts, particularly in Africa and Russia, it enhanced its sturdiness, reliability and ease of maintenance, necessary to movement warfare on wide battle-fronts.


  • 2 Wehrmacht figuren

Drie uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • Aufklarungsabteilung 220 (mot) 164 leichte Panzer Division, Afrika Korps, Noord Africa 1942..
  • Befehlhaber Pz.Gruppe von Kleist, Russia 1942.
  • Batterie 5 Artillerieregiment 10 (mot), Pz.Gren.Division, 10 Pz.Gruppe - 2 - Guderian, Russia 1941.


  • Lengte.134 mm
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Italeri 6215 HORCH Kfz.15 Wehrmacht
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