

Italeri 371 Sd.Kfz.10/5 Demag D7 with FLAK 38

Réf. article: Italeri 371


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The small half-track D7, designed during the mid-thirties, was produced for the German army until 1944. Several thousand units were built to tow light artillery pieces and rocket launchers. The vehicle itself carries an anti-aircraft gun. Very mobile, the vehicle had a cargo capicity of 1,5 tons. It was used extensively in all theaters. The Sd. Kfz 10/5 version was equipped with a 2 cm gun type 38 which was also used against ground targets.

Diverse uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • Wehrmacht.
  • Luftwaffe.


  • Lang; 135 mm.
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Italeri 371 Sd.Kfz.10/5 Demag D7 with FLAK 38
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