

REV00016 Northrop HAWK weapon system

Réf. article: REV00016


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For many decades the Hawk weapons system formed the backbone of the NATO air defences and some are still in use. Put into service for the first time in1959, it was originally operated by the US Army and Marine Corps and was later upgraded several times. The Hawk is a medium range air defence missile system designed for use against air targets at low and medium altitudes. Targets were acquired by a special tracking radar; for attacking the target a continuous wave radar was used. The missile had a max. range 25 km at 14 km altitude. The weapons system was accommodated on a mobile launch-trailer and the radar system on a mobile transport platform.

Eén uitvoering mogelijk;

  • USAAF.

Schaal 1:32 
Aantal onderdelen; 85. 

  • Lengte.121 mm
  • Breedte.105 mm.


  • Historic Revel model kit
  • Radar transporter with stabilizers
  • Detailed radar antennae
  • Movable wheels
  • Hawk triple launcher with movable parts
  • Launcher can be moved horizontally and vertically
  • Launcher with detailed stabilizers
  • 3 Hawk guided missiles
  • 4 ground personnel figures

Revell verf: 35 46 65 301 330 


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REV00016 Northrop HAWK weapon system
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