

REV03038 TPz-1 "FUCHS" A6 ABC

Réf. article: REV03038


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The "Fuchs" NBC reconnaissance vehicle was introduced into the Federal German Army in 1988 and serves for the detection of nuclear and chemical warfare agents. The special shape of the so-called NBC rear enables samples to be taken and areas of contaminated ground to be marked from the interior while maintaining overall NBC protection. The crew consists of a commander, a military driver and two other soldiers as operatives. The vehicle has a combat weight of 17,000 kg and reaches a top speed of 105 km/h. Since 1997 about a third of the vehicles used by the German army have had their combat capability upgraded with a weather station and GPS navigation system. From 2002 to 2003, 6 German army "Fuchs" NBC reconnaissance vehicles were used during Operation Endurance Freedom in Kuwait. The "Spür-Fuchs" is currently in service with the ISAF in Afghanistan. Its performance makes it a very desirable acquisition for other nations.

Vier uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • Bundeswehr, GECONISAF, Afganistan, 2005 - 2006.
  • Bundeswehr, GECONISAF, Afganistan, 2004.
  • Bundeswehr, Tle ABCAbwhrBtl 7, Operation Endurance Freedom, Kuwait, 2003.
  • Norwegische Armee, NRF/TMBN, 2005.

Aantal onderdelen; 198.
Afmeting:Lengte. 209 mm.


  • Fine reproduction of authentic surface details
  • Detailed chassis
  • Optional parts to build a standard or an upgraded version
  • Rubber tyres
  • Mounted MG
  • Separate trim vane
  • Smoke grenade dischargers
  • Movable front-wheel assembly
  • Standard tooling

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REV03038 TPz-1 "FUCHS" A6 ABC
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