

REV03206 M48A2/A2C

Réf. article: REV03206


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After the Second World War the M48 Patton was the United States first essentially newly developed Main Battle Tank (MBT). It formed part of the initial equipment of the newly formed Bundeswehr and in the improved A2 and A2C combat versions was the backbone of the German armoured forces until well into the 1970s. The A2 version was built from 1956 onwards, in the modified A2C version only the track tensioning wheel was omitted. The Bundeswehr's first M48A2/A2C were used in original condition, but later Bundeswehr specific modifications were added. The M48A2/A2C had an optical rangefinder, which was operated by the commander. It was also the commanders task to operate the 12.7mm MG in the commander's cupola.

Vijf verschillende uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • M48A2C - Bundeswehr, Panzerbrigade 2, 3.Kompanie, PzBtl 24, Braunschweig, 1962.
  • M48A2 - Bundeswehr, Panzerlehrbrigade 9, 2.Kompanie, PzLehrBtl 93, Munster, 1959.
  • M48A2C - US Army, 1st Cavalry Division, 3rd TkBn, 40th Armor, Korea, 1963.
  • M48A2 - US Army, 14th Armoured Cavalry Regiment, 1st Squadron, Fulda, 1962.
  • Magach (M48A2C) - Israel Defense Forces, Rafah, Sinai, Six-Day War, 1967.


  • Lang; 245 mm.

Aantal onderdelen; 183


  • New mould
  • Authentic reproduction of cast parts
  • Finely detailed gratings
  • Easy to mount vinyl tracks
  • Fully detailed commanders turret with 12.7 mm MG
  • Rotating turret
  • Fully detailed gun
  • Hatches can be positioned open or closed

Revell verf kleur nr.'s; 6 / 9 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 89 / 90 / 91 / 330 / 382.

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