

Revell 03096 SPz PUMA

Réf. article: Revell 03096


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With the PUMA armoured infantry vehicle, the German Army received the latest combat vehicle of its type. Its combination of protection, mobility and fire power, together with airportability, has so far never been surpassed. This levelof performance can only be achieved with extensive innovations. Thus both the basic crew (3) and the infantrymen (6) sit in the hull. A close-range observation and control system acquires and evaluates all important data. The fully digitized fire control system takes into account all parameters of the stabilised weapon. Since the end of 2010 the pre-production vehicles have been subjected to a severe test programme by the German Army. The first vehicles are scheduled to be delivered to the troops in 2013.

Aantal uitvoeringen mogelijk;

  • SPs PUMA - erste Seriefahrzeuge / first serial vehicles.


  • Lang; 215 mm.


  • Status: first production vehicle
  • Finely detailed surface structures with non-slip coating
  • Vinyl tracks easy to assemble
  • Movable smoke grenade dischargers
  • Rotating turret
  • Elevating cannon
  • Hatches can be shown open

Aantal onderdelen; 177
Revell verf kleur nr.'s; 5 6 9 30 31 52 65 84 90 91.

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Revell 03096 SPz PUMA
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