

TR01539 German E-75 Flakpanzer

Réf. article: 7365


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                        German E-75 Flakpanzer

On May 8th 1944 the general of Flak-weapons ordered the development of a 5.5cm Flakpanzer with a Zwillingsflak (twingun). The twinguns should be integrated in a turret. Krupp and rheinmetall got the order for the development of that turret. The turret was designed for the E-50/E75 tank had a crew of 4 and 104 shot ammunition. A prototype of the turret had been build until January 1945 . 

Eén uitvoering mogelijk;

  • German Wehrmacht 1945.
  • Lengte 271.8 mm.
  • Breed; 109.5mm.

Aantal onderdelen; 247.

Extra onderdelen

  • Metal Parts,  Brass wire
  • Photo Etched Parts,   1piece

  • Rubber tracks

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TR01539 German E-75 Flakpanzer
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