

Guillow's 902 O-IE BIRD-DOG U.S.Air Force

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Originally designated the L-19, The Bird Dog went into production in June, 1956 and was used during the Korean campaign as a liaison airplane by Army Field Forces to spot the enemy's troop concentrations, direct ground operations, carry ammunition, and evacuate wounded. It returned to production in 1962 and designated the 0-1E, the Bird Dog gained fame anew as a “FAC” airplane (forward air controller) in South Vietnam war where it was very effective in spotting and directing fire against the enemy Vietcong forces.

Eén uitvoering mogelijk;

  • South Vietnam "FAC" Plane "Forward Air Control"

Schaal 1:24

Spanwijdte: 18'' inch

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Guillow's 902 O-IE BIRD-DOG U.S.Air Force
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